Assistance Dogs Australia 2.5km Walk A Day Donation or Raffle

Rebecca and Poppy are joining Assistance Dogs Australia 2.5km walk a day every day in November.
We have organised a raffle where cash donations may be made, by buying a raffle ticket at $2 or 3 for $5
Prizes donated by:
Tatt Golf & Ballarat Golf Club and Ballarat Aquatic & Lifestyle Centre Round of 18 Holes plus 2 carts valued at $400 2 x 10
Visit Aquatic Pass valued at $64.80 each 8 x Family Swim Pass valued at $18.90 each
Raffle closes & Drawn – Friday 29th November at the Webbcona Bowls Club
Tickets available from myself, Rebecca, or Webbcona Bowls Club from Sarah Braybrook.
You can text me 0411 551 550 or Email: to make other arrangements.
Card payments available on request over $10
Facebook Fundraiser Page –