Despite a planning scheme amendment to create an Urban Growth Zone to the north of Ballarat it’ll be a while yet until the first families move in.
The 565 hectare site between the Midland Highway and Miners Rest will accommodate up to 6000 homes and potentially 15,000 residents.
Council CEO Evan King says the aim is to eventually have a steady stream of land available.
“The PSP (Precinct Structure Plan) is scheduled to be completed by mid 2026, so these aren’t short processes in the end.”
“What we want to get to is an environment where we’ve got a good stream of land that can be developed.”
“We don’t want the boom and bust when we run out of land and prices skyrocket,” Mr. King said.
Future planning will also consider Burrumbeet Creek and protecting the Dowling Forest Racecourse precinct and nearby rural living areas.