The Chief Executive of the Ballarat Foundation says hitting this years $100,000 Christmas Appeal target is going to be a challenge.
Andrew Eales says that despite the community’s best efforts to date, the cost-of-living crisis is hurting donations.
“I think it’s just tough everywhere in our community at the moment.”
“There’s been incredible generosity that we’ve seen through this year’s appeal, but we are sprinting to the finishing line and will be taking monetary donations right up until Christmas Day.”
“We are really encouraging people to give, if you are able,” Mr. Eales said.
Meantime, firefighters from the Ballarat City and Lucas brigades have helped families in need by donating toys and money to the Ballarat Christmas Appeal today.
Between the two fire stations $2,000 has been raised, along with a ute-load of presents.
You can donate here The Ballarat Foundation – Campaign – Ballarat Christmas Appeal